Fix QuickBooks Error 1606 - Could Not Access Network Location

Were you working with QuickBooks but suddenly encountered Error 1606? If you are searching for effective troubleshooting methods to resolve the error, your search ends here. This article contains sufficient information to uproot Error 1606.

QuickBooks error code 1606 indicates problems with the Windows user account, QuickBooks setup file, or errors in the Windows registry. This is the most common error that affects the installation of several Windows applications, including the QuickBooks Desktop. 


Common Causes of QuickBooks Installation Error 1606

Common causes leading to QuickBooks Error 1606 are mentioned as follows:

           Corrupt or damaged user profile in Windows.

           Incomplete/unsuccessful QuickBooks Desktop installation.

           A Windows registry problem not only causes QuickBooks Desktop error 1606 but also prevents other Windows apps from being installed.

           Scratches present on the QuickBooks installation disc prevent the Windows installer from accessing data.


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Effective Solutions to Rectify QuickBooks Error 1606

Given below are the most effective troubleshooting solutions to fix the QuickBooks error Code 1606:

Solution 1: Log in as an Admin and reinstall the update

           Restart the computer.

           Log in to your system using the Admin credentials.

           Reinstall QuickBooks.

           If the QuickBooks error message 1606 persists, proceed to the following solution.


Solution 2: Use the Selective Startup mode & reinstall QuickBooks

           You need to restart the system in the Selective starting mode.

           Installing the application in Selective startup mode prevents another program from interfering.

           Tap the ‘Win + R’ keys together to launch the ‘Run’ command.

           In the Run window, type 'MSConfig' and press OK.

           Select 'Selective startup' from the 'General' tab.

           Next, choose 'Load system' services.

           Select the 'Hide all Microsoft services' checkbox on the 'Services' tab.

           Click 'OK' after selecting 'Window Installer' from the list of services.

           Select 'Restart' from the System Configuration window.

Install QuickBooks desktop application

           Double-click on the 'QuickBooks.exe' file.

           Follow the instructions on the screen to install QuickBooks Desktop.

           Accept the software license agreement after that.

           Click 'Next' after entering the product and license number.

           Return to the default startup mode.

           To open the Run window, press the 'Win + R' keys on your computer.

           Type 'MSConfig' into the window and click 'OK.'

           Select 'Normal Setup' from the 'General' tab.

           On the System Configuration window, click 'OK' and then Restart.

           If you still see QuickBooks giving error message 1606, then proceed to the next solution.


Solution 3: Install QuickBooks again in the Windows safe mode


           First and foremost, start Windows in safe mode.

           Run the setup file to install QuickBooks.


Solution 4: Log out of parallels & sign in again

Follow the steps given below if you are using QuickBooks desktop in Parallels in Windows 7:

           Sign out of the parallel window first.

           Log in once more.

           Go to the 'Devices' menu, then 'Shared Folders.'

           After that, select 'Disconnect All.'

           Reboot your computer and try installing QuickBooks again.

           If QuickBooks installation problem 1606 persists, the erroneous registry key must be corrected.


Solution 5: Install QuickBooks through a new Windows Administrator user.

           Create a new user account on Windows with Admin privileges.

           First, you need to restart the Windows and sign in to the recent account.

For Windows 10: 

           Open 'Settings' from the Windows ‘Start' menu.

           Select 'family and other users' from the 'accounts' section.

           Select 'Add Someone Else on This Computer' from the 'User' column.

           Click 'Add a user without a Microsoft account' and select 'I don't have this person's sign-in information.'

           Fill up the user name and password.

           Select the account by clicking 'Finish.'

           In the account type column, select Administrator and hit OK.

For Windows 7 and 8:

           Select the Windows ‘start' button.

           Type 'User Accounts' in the 'Search programs' box.

           Select 'User Accounts' from the list of programs.

           Select 'Manage account' and then 'create a new account.'

           Give the new account a name, then select 'Administrator' and 'details.'

           Install QuickBooks and run it.


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Final Words!


That concludes our discussion about QuickBooks error 1606. We hope you found the information interesting and helpful in resolving the problem. If the issue persists, contact the QuickBooks customer service team. We shall make that your every QuickBooks -related query gets resolved.


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